Contact Brian @ 856-839-2581
Free Initial Phone Consultation

at Law

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney

I have been specializing in bankruptcy for over 20 years. As a bankruptcy attorney, I have helped many people eliminate millions of dollars in debt and gain control over their lives while giving personal service to each of those people.

When you call for your free initial phone consultation you will speak to me personally, as I handle all of my own legal work. When you choose me to represent you as your attorney, you will receive attentive service throughout the duration of your case.

Contact me today for more information (Vineland, NJ)

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process

Chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy. The basic purpose of chapter 7 is to provide you with a fresh start by wiping out all qualifying debts including credit cards, medical bills, repossession deficiencies, law suits, as well as, a variety of other debts. In chapter 7 there is no repayment required for most unsecured debts. Your debts are wiped out completely. In about 99% of chapter 7 cases the consumer keeps all property and eliminates most debts. The entire process usually takes 3 months to complete.

In chapter 7 the typical consumer only has one meeting with the bankruptcy trustee. Most meetings take only 10 minutes. Some consumers feel some level of anxiety leading up to the meeting with the bankruptcy trustee, but there is no reason to fear the trustee. The trustee is looking for people who are hiding assets or trying to defraud the system, they don’t want to harass the common consumer. The meeting will take place in an ordinary conference room and the trustee is not a judge, the setting is informal. Once the meeting with the trustee is done your discharge will come in the mail 60 days later.

Contact me today for more information (Vineland, NJ)

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Fees

You will be charged a flat fee for handling your bankruptcy matter. The total fee you will be charged is $1,400.00 broken down as follows:

$1,300.00My legal fee, CMA if needed, download credit report
$335.00Court filing fee
$50.00Court required credit counseling fee
$50.00Court required debt education fee

I will quote you an additional fee if you have more than 30 creditors. We will be happy to work out an installment plan to cover your legal fees; however, your petition cannot be filed until these fees are paid. Once work begins on your file any partial payments are nonrefundable. Additionally, if you take longer than six months to pay in full additional fees will apply since the file will have to be started over again and the information you supply will be obsolete. Finally, once we file if you have to amend your petition there is a $50.00 amendment fee to file the amendment with the court and to notify all creditors of the changes.

Contact me today for more information (Vineland, NJ)

Municipal Court Attorney

Traffic tickets and moving violations have the power to wreak havoc on your life. Fees mount quickly and points from tickets can cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket or result in a suspended license. I will represent you personally and have been representing clients get charges reduced or dismissed for 20 years.

I am also skilled at negotiating down the ticket, so that you can minimize or avoid any impact on your driving record. I have the ability to conduct a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances leading to the issuance of the ticket. We will review police reports, body cam footage and question witnesses if appropriate, so that we can develop and present the strongest case in your defense.

Motor Vehicle Offenses

  • All types of traffic violations
  • Driving while suspended or revoked
  • Unsafe operation
  • Driving with no insurance
  • Careless or reckless driving
  • Drug possession
  • Speeding
  • Moving violations

Contact me today for more information (Vineland, NJ)

Small Business Attorney

The Law Offices of Brian F. Swope, Esquire, with offices located in Vineland, NJ focuses on business relationships, commercial transactions and business litigation. This office has twenty years experience representing small businesses of all kinds offering down to earth, effective legal solutions for small businesses.

  • Starting a new Business
  • Buying or Selling a Business
  • Commercial Leases
  • Contracts and Agreements
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration

Contact me today for more information (Vineland, NJ)